Noel, the Celestial Sphere, is born. |
Noel builds the very first treehouse. |
Noel hates Pangaea. |
Dinosaurs find it difficult to compete with Noel for resources. |
Noel teaches Lucy to play jacks. |
Noel brings fire to man. |
A wooly mammoth gets stuck in one of Noel's rolls. |
Noel helps Siberian nomads across the land bridge to Alaska. |
Noel invents the wheel. |
Noel domesticates the cat. |
Noel builds Stonehenge. |
Noel is an early practitioner of yoga. |
The Greek army tries to sneak Noel through the gates of Troy. |
Theseus searches for the Noelotaur in the labyrinth. |
Noel becomes a master sculptor among the Olmec. |
Noel spends the day with his friend Siddhartha. |
Noel accompanies Hannibal across the Alps. |
It's the first Noel! |
Noel is widely admired for his ulama ballgame skills. |
Noel eats the Last Supper. |
Noel is ostracized by the Ostrogoths. |
Noel forms the first didgeridoo jam band. |
Noel visits Great Zimbabwe. |
Noel's couture hairshirts are a must-have for fashion-conscious ascetics. |
Noel is present at the invention of the printing press. |
Noel fights at the Battle of Hastings. |
Noel pioneers the Rubaiyat. |
Noel introduces Abelard and Heloise. |
Noel is one of the master builders at Angkor Wat. |
Noel serves as a counterweight on an early large-scale trebuchet. |
Noel helps Maimonides edit his Guide for the Perplexed. |
The plague years are tough for Noel. |
Noel draws the first Aztec calendar. |
Noel is Joan of Arc's hair stylist. |
Noel raises llamas in the mountains around Machu Picchu. |
Noel and Hieronymus Bosch take a lot of drugs together. |
Noel nails ninety-six theses to the door of Castle Church. |
Noel woos Henry VIII. |
The Haudenosaunee flourishes under the Great Peacemaker, Hiawatha, and Noel. |
Noel performs in The Winter's Tale. |
Noel eats the first Thanksgiving. |
Tulipomania hits Noel particularly hard. |
Noel can't stop giggling at the name Rump Parliament. |
Noel is the inspiration for Thomas Hobbes's The Leviathan. |
Noel visits the Taj Mahal. |
Isaac Newton discovers gravity moments before Noel falls on his head. |
Noel makes accusations about the women of Salem. |
Noel battles all 47 ronin. |
Noel breaks the Liberty Bell. |
Oh boy! She's gonna let Noel eat cake! |
Noel crosses the Delaware. |
Jacques-Louis David paints the death of Jean-Noel Marat. |
Noel's interest in Luddism is not very philosophical. |
Noelpoleon loses at Waterloo. |
Noel invents the antimacassar. |
Noel helps Darwin with his research. |
This image is one of the very first daguerreotypes. |
Noel is drawn West by his Manifest Density. |
Karl Marx steals Noel's theories. |
Noel's Haberdashery makes all of Lincoln's stovepipe hats. |
Noel badgers William H. Seward to buy Alaska. |
Noel advises Queen Victoria and Benjamin Disraeli. |
Nellie Bly gets her first assignment at the New York World. |
Noel helps set up the Statue of Liberty when it arrives from France. |
Noel is dreadfully scandalized by the advent of bloomers. |
Grover Cleveland serves two non-consecutive dinners to Noel. |
Noel inspires Oscar Wilde to write The Importance of Being Earnest. |
Noel delivers a shipment of pitchblende to Marie Curie's lab. |
Noel lobbies for universal voting rights. |
Noel pilots the first flight of the Kitty Hawk. |
Noel scrimmages with Jim Thorpe. |
Noel tries his hand at Cubism. |
Noel kills Rasputin. |
Noel stars in several silent firms with Louise Brooks. |
Clarence Darrow calls Noel to the stand as an expert in primate biology. |
Noel crashes into the New York Stock Exchange. |
Noel observes deep-sea life from inside the first bathysphere. |
Noel discusses tort reform with Judge Learned Hand. |
Noel has a great solution to Australia's cane beetle problem. |
Noel sets back George Washington Carver's research. |
Noel listens to the first broadcast of War of the Worlds. |
Noel is Gandhi's optometrist. |
Noel inspires the song Roly Poly. |
Rosalind Franklin and Noel work on a model of DNA. |
Noel ties Joe McCarthy's shoelaces together. |
Noel's fight to save Tokya from Godzilla is made into a documentary. |
Noel stars in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. |
Noel defuses the Cuban Missile Crisis. |
Hitchcock casts Noel as an extra in The Birds. |
Noel is first in line to buy Mattel's new Ken doll. |
Noel walks on the moon. |
Noel gets in touch with his flower power at Woodstock. |
Noel was NOT Deep Throat. |
Noel transforms into Pac-Man. |
Noel is hopelessly addicted to USENET. |
Noel is one of the Spice Girls. |
Noel signs the marriage licenses of some happy Massachusetts couples. |